

What to expect from the challenge

This challenge will help you to grow in your social media confidence so you can show up and shine with the treasure that God has put in you. Social media is a powerful tool that gives you access to people globally for example, you can be in London and your message is seen or heard in India. 

During the challenge, we shall have weekly meetings on zoom for accountability (to check in on your progress), discuss challenges you might be facing, celebrate how far you have come and have some live coaching / training sessions. 

You will have access to a private Facebook group where you can build community and foster relationships, go live to help you build your confidence and share your wins / challenges. 

Whether you are in business or ministry showing up on social media can increase your visibility when used correctly and consistently. 

Meet Your Coach

Elizabeth Olujimi is an award winning Coach, Speaker, Trainer, Mentor, Wife, Mother and Pastor. She is known as the Thriving Coach and she is the CEO of Dare to Believe Coaching Ltd. She helps Christian women to thrive with confidence in who they are and who God has called them to be so that they can passionately pursue their God given purpose, make impact and leave a legacy. 
When she got serious about showing up on social media her visibility grew. She received requests to speak at events, write articles for magazines, be a podcast guest and it increased her chances for winning various awards personally and for her business. She have also been able to build relationships with some amazing people through social media. 

Join the challenge


Private Facebook Group


Weekly zoom sessions

Confidence building


Live conversations

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